Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Eating a sausage while waiting to board.
One person manpowered jigger.

Fellow parishoner, Guard John.

"DG" loco, I used to work on these as part of my apprenticeship.

On to the turntable in preparation for the return journey.

Two men, one loco.

Passing cars, Weka Pass

Very narrow cuttings through the Pass as they were all done with pick,shovel and wheelbarrow.


Jenny and Robin said...

Weka Pass rail is on our list of places to visit during our South Island trip next year.

Unknown said...

hi Raewyn. note fellow parishioner John Guard van red. tom aND DON POSS ATTEND BIBLE IN SCHOOLS 1950s. so talking with Hadyn Jones TV ONe. not for broadcast-- could be months away. share my Xmas and Easter ads!! in don's flat. thinking of chch. cheers.